Space Weather Observations for Future Generations

NOAA's Office of Space Weather Observations (SWO) develops, deploys, and sustains NOAA operational satellite systems that study space weather and safeguard society. SWO will provide users with real-time data for generating space weather products and services, enabling them to provide timely and accurate forecasts, warnings, and alerts. The SWO office is responsible for the Space Weather Follow-On program and the Space Weather Next program.
Space Weather Follow-On (SWFO)
The Space Weather Follow-On program sustains NOAA’s foundational set of space-based space weather observations and measurements collected by legacy missions (DSCOVR, ACE, and SOHO) to ensure continuity of critical data. The SWFO program includes the Nation’s first operational coronagraph which is aboard GOES-19, NOAA’s first purpose-built space weather observatory called SWFO-L1, and ground services to support SWFO-L1 Observatory operations, data collection, and product generation/distribution.
Space Weather Next (SW Next)
The Space Weather Next program will maintain and extend space weather observations from a range of different observing points, selected to most efficiently provide comprehensive knowledge of the Sun and the near-Earth space environment.
SWO in Action
As people across the country welcomed the New Year, scientists at the National Environmental…
NASA, on behalf of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has selected…
NASA, on behalf of NOAA, has selected Johns Hopkins’ Applied Physics Laboratory, to build the…
On behalf of NOAA, NASA has selected Southwest Research Institute of San Antonio to build three…