Here are a variety of space weather related images, animations and videos for download.

NOAA’s polar, geostationary, and deep space orbiting spacecraft and the need for international partnership.

Cool 600,000 degree Kelvin plasma from Fe IX revealing the quiet solar corona. Seen are cool magnetic fields in the atmosphere and on-disk is revealed the solar polar coronal holes at the top and bottom of the image.

An image of the ‘active’ corona as seen in 1,500,000 degree plasma at 195 Angstroms. Bright regions illustrate higher densities of hot plasma and dark regions indicate a paucity of hot plasma. The large bright areas are active regions which are…

An image of the ‘active’ corona as seen in 1,500,000 degree plasma at 195 Angstroms. Bright regions illustrate higher densities of hot plasma and dark regions indicate a paucity of hot plasma. The large bright areas are active regions which are…

Six (6) million degree plasma (Fe XVIII; 94 Angstrom) from the solar corona imaged by the NOAA SUVI instrument on the GOES satellites. The bright central spot shows hot coronal loops associated with a solar flare.

Visible light emission from the solar corona captures the erupting loops of a coronal mass ejection.

An image of the ‘active’ corona as seen in 1,500,000 degree plasma at 195 Angstroms. Bright regions illustrate higher densities of hot plasma and dark regions indicate a paucity of hot plasma. The large bright areas are active regions which are…

Suvi 195 Solar Flare