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Feature Stories
NOAA offers a comprehensive set of ocean color products that integrate information from NOAA, NASA…
The overarching term “tropical cyclone” describes powerful storms that form around the world, but…
NOAA's GeoXO series of geostationary satellites, currently in development, will include…
On May 6, 2024, NOAA and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) hosted a…
Data & New Technology
Data Purchases
NOAA is taking concrete steps to support the development of commercial markets for space-based weather data.
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Data Collections
NOAA collects the most up-to-date data about the atmosphere, land, and oceans.
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Latest Research
There are many ways that NOAA data is being used for research.
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Pathfinder Initiative
Help develop studies for future applications of mission data products.
Read about pathfinder initiative
News & Announcements
NASA, on behalf of NOAA, has selected Lockheed Martin Corp. of Littleton, Colorado, to build the…
In May 2024, NOAA SciJinks and NASA Space Place released its monthly art challenge! They called on…
NOAA’s GOES East (GOES-16) satellite watched severe thunderstorms fire up along a dry line situated…
NOAA's GeoXO series of geostationary satellites, currently in development, will include…
NASA, on behalf of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has selected BAE…
NOAA’s GOES East captured Texas storms from above in this visible imagery, which also shows…
NOAA’s JPSS Program satellites captured imagery of the stunning auroras that were visible in…