“Earth from Orbit” is a series of short videos that showcase a compelling weather event, environmental hazard, or interesting meteorological phenomenon each week, as seen by NOAA satellites.
The series, a collaboration between NOAA and NASA, provides a look at the science behind the highlighted topic and imagery. A short article with additional information accompanies each video.
The Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) instrument, onboard NOAA’s GOES-18 satellite, is now…
On May 11, 2022, NOAA shared the first images of the Western Hemisphere from its GOES-18 satellite.
Fire season in the Southwest and High Plains arrived early this year, fueled by gusty winds, low…
Throughout history, humans have wondered what Earth looked like from above. The Mesopotamians…
NOAA satellites have been closely monitoring the late-season winter storm that brought snow to…
Spring has officially sprung here in the Northern Hemisphere—while in the Southern Hemisphere,…
On March 14, 2022, GOES-T executed its final engine burn, placing the satellite in geostationary…
Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai, located in the South Pacific Kingdom of Tonga, has erupted three times…