“Earth from Orbit” is a series of short videos that showcase a compelling weather event, environmental hazard, or interesting meteorological phenomenon each week, as seen by NOAA satellites.
The series, a collaboration between NOAA and NASA, provides a look at the science behind the highlighted topic and imagery. A short article with additional information accompanies each video.
On Nov. 10, just before 2 a.m. Pacific time, an Atlas V 401 rocket carrying NOAA’s Joint Polar…
A series of recent wildfires ignited or spread this past week as warm, dry, and windy conditions—a…
On Sept. 28, Hurricane Ian made landfall near Cayo Costa in southwestern Florida as a dangerous,…
On August 19, the JPSS-2 satellite arrived by transport truck to the Vandenberg Space Force Base in…
Hurricane Fiona, the first major (Category 3+) storm of the Atlantic hurricane season, has been…
NOAA satellites have tracked a lot of activity across western North America this month. From…
After a slow start to the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, activity has ramped up with the first two…
Thirty years ago this week, Hurricane Andrew made landfall in South Miami-Dade County (then known…