“Earth from Orbit” is a series of short videos that showcase a compelling weather event, environmental hazard, or interesting meteorological phenomenon each week, as seen by NOAA satellites.
The series, a collaboration between NOAA and NASA, provides a look at the science behind the highlighted topic and imagery. A short article with additional information accompanies each video.
Fire weather is heating up across the western United States, exacerbated by an intense heatwave and…
NOAA satellites captured actinoform clouds over the eastern Pacific Ocean on June 3, 2021.
The 2021 hurricane season is officially underway. June 1 marked the beginning of the Atlantic…
An iceberg nearly the size of Delaware sheared off from the edge of Antarctica earlier this month…
Severe storms struck the South Central U.S. (Louisiana and Texas), producing heavy rain, extensive…
NOAA satellites captured von Kármán vortices streaming around Guadalupe Island. These are vortex…
Severe thunderstorms struck Texas. The storms formed along a dry line—a boundary between moist and…
To celebrate Earth Day, we are sharing stunning views of our beautiful planet, captured by NOAA…