Please join us for a fun, informal evening of making connections with some of the leading professionals in our field. Whether you are currently on the job hunt, seeking advice about professional growth, or simply hoping to learn about possible career paths, this event is an excellent opportunity to expand both your knowledge base and your network of contacts. The format is exactly what the name suggests: with enough time to make a connection and learn something new, “mentees” will interact with rotating groups of “mentors” from a wide range of career and scientific backgrounds.
The event allows students and early career professionals to network with mentors via “speed networking” where the mentors (meteorology and allied discipline professionals) roam between tables at set intervals introducing the students and early professionals to a wide array of professions in the field of meteorology. The speed networking will include a social with light hors d'oeuvres, providing a great time for open networking. This allows the students, the early career professionals, and the mentors of their selected discipline to have extended conversations after their speed-mentoring.