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Where Are the Whales?

Activity Type: Lesson Plans / Curriculum |
Audience: Students, Teachers |
Grades: K-4, 5-8
Learning Time: 50 Minutes

Students interpret maps and Argos satellite tracking data to locate where blue whales are found and make recommendations for how to help keep whales safe. 

Learning Objectives 

Students learn where the most blue whales are in the northeast Pacific by interpreting maps of whale habitat and the locations of blue whales tracked with Argos satellite tags. 

Students recommend which times of year ships should slow down to keep whales safe. 

Educational Standards 

NGSS 5-ESS3-1: Obtain and combine information about ways individual communities use science ideas to protect the Earth’s resources and environment. 


  • Projector and computer with Internet access 
  • Where Are the Whales? Student Page pages 5-6 
  • Tracked Blue Whales Map page 7 
  • Whale Habitat Maps pages 8-9 
  • Video: A Voice for Whales: Using Satellite Data to Protect Marine Mammals 
  • Video: Argos-4: Tracking from Space 
  • Video: Blue Whales Lunge for Dinner 


  • Prepare to project the Tracked Blue Whales Map and videos. 
  • Place Whale Habitat Maps at stations around the classroom (either printed or on computers/tablets). 
  • Print student pages.